2020 Poverty Stats

2020 Poverty Stats

Single mothers are much more likely to be poor than married couples. The poverty rate for single-mother families in 2018 was 34%, nearly five times more than the rate (6%) for married-couple families.  Among children living with their mother only, 40% lived in...
2020 Hardship Stats

2020 Hardship Stats

Almost one third (27.8%) of single-mother families were “food insecure,” about one-ninth (11.7%) used food pantries, one third spent more than half their income on housing, which is generally considered the threshold for “severe housing cost burden.”  Families headed...
2020 Income Stats

2020 Income Stats

Single mothers earn income that places them well below married mothers in the income ladder. The gap between the two groups is significantly large.  The median income for families led by a single mother in 2018 was about $45,128, well below the $93,654 median for...
2020 Employment Stats

2020 Employment Stats

At any one time, about two-thirds of single mothers are working outside the home, a slightly greater share than the share of married mothers who are also working outside the home.  However, only half were employed full-time all year long, a quarter (25.9%) were...
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