Your support means more than
you could ever imagine.

Here at the Nicola Smith Jackson Foundation,

we believe that all people deserve an equal chance

to reach their full potential.

Help a family.

Help a family in need to cover expenses during the hardest times in their life.

Support a project.

Help us build and grow family and business support projects and community efforts.

Purchase resources.

Help provide much-needed security to local small business owners.

The distinguished character of the Nicola Smith Jackson Foundation staff and volunteers leaves no room for doubt that your contribution will work to relieve the plight of not only at-risk children, underserved communities, and single mothers, but those whom options of advancement are restricted due to impoverished situations, and other debilitating circumstances.  

Your tax-deductible contribution allows the Nicola Smith Jackson Foundation to continue to impact the lives of families and communities who need support the most, enabling them to lead healthy and productive lives. 

You have two options for making your contribution, which include:

1) one-time donation via credit/debit card

2) donate by check


Giving is simple: Click on your contribution option

Choose the platform that works best for you.


In the memo section, please include [NSJ Foundation]

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